Monday, June 29, 2015

Bad Blogger, no cookie

Remember how I said I knew I would end up turning off my reminder notice? Yeah well it seems to be happening regularly. 

  • First up, I gotta say that Sunday is my favorite night of summer. Why you ask? Because it has the BEST TV! We're in the final season of Falling Skies and I have to say they have rebooted the show right back to the way it was first season and it's AWESOME. The Last Ship is back for a 2nd season and the writers are not playing games. Really strongly written and the cast is really great. Two weeks in and I'm already thinking about the season so far and looking forward to next week. My favorite guilty pleasure, Big Brother, is also back and it's a longer season - 98 days in the hamster house! This is exciting and frightening all at once. I'm trying very hard to NOT read the spoilers posted online & on twitter. The last few years the twitter feeds have taken over my life every summer, decided I can't do that again. Waking up to 100+ tweets every morning and wasting time reading them... sigh, what was a thinking. Plus now PBS has 2 new dramas - The Crimson Field and Poldock on Masterpiece. Both are excellent. So in conclusion, Sunday is awesome TV. I guess it is supposed to soften the blow that Monday comes next 
  • Secondly, my favorite author, Kristen Ashley, has a new book coming out tomorrow (or in roughly 3 hours lol) My kindle is fully charged. My kindle is sitting on my bedside table. I'll be turning on my kindle when I have to pee around 3am to make sure my pre-ordered copy of the book downloads lol I'm not excited or anything hehehe
  • Finally, I have a 3 day weekend coming up for July 4th. These are rare and precious. I've got Salvation Army coming to pick up a shed load of clothes as well as a couple of small pieces of furniture. I'll be so glad to have that done.  I've also got a couple organizational things I want to get done. The rest of the time is dedicated to watching tennis or movies, reading my new Kristen Ashley book (if I haven't already finished it lol), and napping! I wish every weekend were a 3 day weekend! 

Friday, June 26, 2015

Ooops I did it again

So last night as I was dealing with dinner when my alarm went off to remind me to blog. I thought I'd put it on "snooze" but I'm guessing I just turned it off because the reminder never rang again and blogging slipped right out of my tiny mind. I swear I didn't do it on purpose. Does this mean my subconscious is against blogging? May the odds be ever in my favor!

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Total Weirdness

I think that is probably the best way to describe myself. I originally signed on to Blogger in 2009, did nothing with it. I vowed I would actually blog in 2013... 1 post (which I've left up to shame myself). So here we are mid 2015 and I'm considering blogging again. I figure IF I can actually keep this up for the next month then maybe I will start sharing it with the world at large. I've even set a daily alarm in my phone to remind me - Please note that I am notorious for ignoring these reminders because I'm a unicorn riding rebel.

Expected topics (aka, consider yourself warned)

  • Food - Food I cook, food I eat, food I find on Pinterest, and all other foods there are to food
  • Disney - I'm adult, I vacation at Disney.. with my partner in crime, aka Mama Pook
  • TV/Movies - I love TV. I watch a TON of TV. I am not apologetic
  • Books - aka Smut, because I only read romance novels. Totally not apologetic again
  • Work - Behold the adventures of me and my sales chimps, just like a side show most days
  • Hot Guys - Manly Man (the Rock), Statham, and many many more. No explanation required.
  • Misc - Other boring topics in the daily life of Pook
The best thing I can say about all of this at this time is that I make good food, I eat good food, and most everyone thinks I'm hilarious. I hope you do too

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Begin the Beguine

I started this blog and this blog post in 2009. Nothing like a healthy dose of procrastination! I've always put off doing a blog because I figured no one would  be interested in what I had to say. (Lord knows I have plenty to say, "vaccinated with a phonograph needle", as my mom would say). I guess I've decided I'll blog now because I am starting a new journey in my life. I'm finally settling in to my new job of 3 months, after a depressing 3 months of unemployment and being laid off from a job I wasted 11 years at, and I'm moving in to a new apartment in 2 weeks (ACK!). We'll just call this a creative outlet for all the craziness I come up with inside my very vivid imagination :) 

Be prepared, I'll be blogging about everything from the mundane to the insane. I make no guarantees this will be interesting but I will strive to be entertaining. 

FYI - "Begin the Beguine" is a song that was written by Cole Porter in the 1930s. It's one of those song cues that always pops up in our family. :)